Tristan Anderson - Network Systems Engineer

Tristan is a Computer Engineering major who is focusing in Networking and Embedded Systems. In my free time, I enjoy playing board games and drawing. After college, I hope to go into the industry as a low-level developer.
Noah Chicchelly - Meeting and Communications Facilitator

I'm a computer engineer who wants to go into securities. I've lived in Iowa most of my life, but want to get out when I graduate. I'm super competitive and driven to be the best at what I do. My favorite hobbies are to play videogames, compete at them, and have stimulating arguments with peers.
Shane Impola - Scribe

Shane is a Computer Engineering major who enjoys long walks on the beach at sunset. He is interested in Cryptography, Networking, and Security, and plans on continuing his studies as a Graduate Student. When taking a break from being a student, he enjoys playing video games with friends.
Brendon McGhee - Hardware Systems Engineer

I'm a senior in Electrical Engineering and will be graduating in May of 2019. My focus is in electromagnetic fields, antenas and propagation but I also have a lot of experience in embedded and control systems. Our project solves some interesting problems that the restaurant indusrty faces today and I look forward to seeing what our team can accomplish.
Nick Schmidt - Software Systems Engineer

I am a senior in Computer Engineering who will be staying to continue my studies in Graduate School. My main study interest are in AI, machine learning, and graphics/video game production. My personal interests include video games and board games.
Justice Wright - Report Facilitator

Justice Wright is a Computer Engineering major at Iowa State University focusing in Information Security. When he's not being a 1337 hax0r he's being a bigger nerd and traveling the country playing competitive Magic: The Gathering.